Why and Where To Exchange Money While In Prague

Credit: Flickr / Jareed / CC BY 2.0
When you are in any foreign country, no matter how long or short your stay is, having that country's currency in pockets is always beneficial. If you are in the Czech Republic, get your money exchanged to Czech Crown or Koruna (Kc), denoted by CZK.
Though the country is a member of European Union and has started adapting to Euro, it is a wise and smart move for a traveller to have Korunas handy as Euros are accepted only in larger stores and food chains while small shops, restaurants still operate on Koruna which is the official Czech Currency.
Any foreign currency can be changed to Koruna or Crowns at banks or reputed exchange offices. Banks generally charge 1 percent or 2 percent as a commission and are open from Monday to Friday between the regular office hours. You can also use your international bank cards to withdraw money from any ATM. But, be advised to withdraw the required amount with one or maximum two withdrawals as each withdrawal in a foreign country is chargeable.
Currency Exchange Machines are also one the best options and you can exchange money using these exchange machines any time of the day, 365 days a year.
You can also convert your money into Travelers' cheques as Euro cheques are widely accepted in the banks in the Czech Republic.
Any of the above mentioned options are good to exchange your money. Do not exchange money on the streets. If you happen to do so, you will get ripped off for sure!
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